Specialized Pediatric, Adult, and Geriatric Care: Put Your Health First!
As health care providers, we value the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Our specialists have been carefully chosen to adhere to our founding mission and vision of providing quality care. All of our providers are board certified in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. They are fully credentialed and experienced in diagnosis and treatment.
We want to make your patient experience outstanding by listening to you and making your health and quality of life our priority. Our mission is simple. We strive for patients to leave our office feeling:
- Involved in their care and treatment choices
- Welcomed, relaxed and well-cared-for
- Appreciated by our well qualified, experienced team
Respect and trust guide our practice.
We view our patients’ health as a foundation for realizing their individual goals and experiencing joy in life.
We listen to your medical history, perform physical examinations and provide you with information about your condition or that of your child, describing details about treatment alternatives, including benefits and risks of all options.
As health care practitioners, we make treatment recommendations and respect your ability to choose the care you need. We recognize that you need information to make the best personal decisions, and we strive to answer all your questions completely and in a timely manner in the office, on the phone, or via our electronic patient portal.
Trust is a critical component of our provider/patient relationship. We value open communication as the best avenue to quality care, and we encourage you to tell us your needs directly so we can meet your expectations. The quality of your care depends on your confidence that we will listen to you and make your interests our priority. We hope that as our relationship develops, you will trust us to deliver the highest quality experience within our practice.